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McKee After School SUCCESS Program » Amazing Electives

Amazing Electives

Our grant requires that:
The educational enrichment element must offer an array of additional services, programs, and activities that reinforce and complement the school’s academic program. Educational enrichment may include but is not limited to, positive youth development strategies, recreation and prevention activities. Such activities might involve the visual and performing arts, music, physical activity, health/nutrition promotion, and general recreation; career awareness and work preparation activities; community service-learning; and other youth development activities based on student needs and interests.  Enrichment activities may be designed to enhance the core curriculum. (CDE) 
To achieve this goal, we poll the student body and seek to hire paraprofessionals that can provide the services desired. We attempt to make the program well rounded, so there is something that peaks an interest for every student. These classes are changed three times a year on a rotation schedule that lines up with our sports program. This allows for students to move in an out of the mainstream and athletics programs seamlessly.  Mid-rotation schedule changes are seldom done and at the discretion of the After School Program Site Director.