The Homework Classes
Through our grant, we are charged with providing
An educational and literacy element must provide tutoring and/or homework assistance designed to help students meet state standards in one or more of the following core academic subjects: reading/language arts, mathematics, history and social studies, or science. A broad range of activities may be implemented based on local student needs and interests. (CDE)
At MMS homework is a top priority. Our program offers four standard homework classes and four homework classes for sports students Mon-Thurs. This practice allows one of our seven Para Professional tested tutors to assist them in the completion of their homework. Many of the instructional day teachers take the time to provide homework information to our tutors, so they are kept up to date on assignments. This allows our tutors to work around the students who claim that they don’t have homework. We spend an hour in our homework class each day. We also provide extra tutoring for students who have completed their assignments. We use interactive notebooks to reinforce language arts standards and computer programs like Fasttmath and Fraction Nation to help them with math. If students feel like they need extra help after their homework class, they are encouraged to choose one of our tutoring clubs for their enrichment.